My life thanks to my blog is moving at the speed of light lately, there are so many trips/collabos/events happening and it can only mean that my life is changing so quickly (all for the best of course!)
Change is always good I'd say, or at least most of it and I am very looking forward to see what this summer has in store for me.
For now, I probably should start packing my bags for my flash trip to Barcelona next week, where I will be staying for only 2 days and I have promised myself to PACK LIGHT this time, lets see if this can actually be achieved :S.
The yellow leather clutch I am wearing today is actually my latest DIY project. I fell in love with the American apparel clutches and I thought; Hey! I can make that! and since I am currently obsessed with everything yellow, choosing the leather color for the project was a no brainer.
The how.to.make.this.bag step-by-step will be up here tomorrow, so stop by if you are ready for some cutting and stitching and most importantly, the big comeback of the DIY projects on StyleScrapbook ;)
Después de algunos meses de locura me he dado cuenta que mi vida nunca será la misma, al menos no como era antes de empezar con este blog.
Mi vida se esta moviendo a la velocidad de la luz y hay muchísimos eventos/colaboraciones/viajes en puerta para StyleScrapbook, los cambios son buenos, así que yo estoy feliz.
Hoy probablemente debería de estar empacando para mi viaje a Barcelona, es un viaje flash de 2 días y me he prometido a mi misma empacar ligero y no llevar cargando 6 pares de zapatos, 4 chamarras, 6 pantalones y 5 faldas, aunque si tuviera que adivinar, diria que voy a acabar haciendo eso :S
Esta bolsa amarilla es uno de mis proyectos de "hazlo tu misma", así que si estas interesada en hacer una igual y preparada para cortar y coser, ven al blog mañana ;)
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