Saturday, June 11, 2011

A pink, thanks to my uncle and teenage fans

2011 in the 10th Stadium Jeonbuk Jeonju pm Min Athletics' opening ceremony was held. Chonju, Chonbuk National Sports Council and sponsored by the Sports Festival organized by the residents and groups in the province and more than 9000 athletes and officials participated, including 31 screens in other sports superiority. Since the opening lyrics, Beast, A Pink, dalsyabet and staged performances of popular singers celebrate with me.
Making such a big event and conference call in a professional map superimposed on weekdays and helps to go a couple of months've been waiting for finally ohmaebulmang A pink (sonnaeun, bakchorong, ohhayoung, jeongeunji, hongyugyeong, Nam, yunbomi) as I heard the concert was a very lovely photo shoot and seeing a visual boast 'They're talking' I heard that
Wandering of the town said that Article 2 Girls heotdoengeon're not wanted to look crisp freshness and a shy girl to feel emotion might get a rematch with the mask, clean, pure, yet it'll be the pride of the Pink AJ Everybody looked so beautiful actually comes as an opinion Girls have been in a long time after the girl group feel is the cheongsunpa
Geolgeurupdeulyi cheap sexy race unfolds like a fairy tale now appeared as a pure A-pink appearance, vague memories of first love, an emotional appearance enough to remind fans that his uncle ran it enough to attract sokeseona imagine what people think reality pure and pretty girl Like his uncle did not appear because of what they find is a teen again

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