Friday, June 10, 2011

A month later, she met another boy and started playing happy records again.


Aah finally - warm weather and sunshine have found their way to Estonia. Yay, now I just wish I could have some time to relax and enjoy, but like always - school is taking up most of my time. But graduation is just around the corner so all my hard work will be worth while. But here are some photographs for you guys. I have wanted this kind of a sheer boyfriend style shirt for sooo long and when I finally saw it on my mind started playing hopscotch - yes I know, I'm a nerd.. I know. Anyways it's perfect for spring/summer. The mint green skirt is also one of my newest little additions to my wardrobe - I picked it up when I was in Florence, it's from H&M along with the massive stone ring, which by the way reminds me of brown sugar so every time I look at it I get hungry. The ring is evil I tell you :D The sandals I'm wearing are also from romwe. The Marilyn Monroe clutch-bag-thingy is kind of my own creation - it's actually a really cheap wallet I found when I visited some random fleamarket in Italy - but I immediately fell in love with the colors and the graphics of it, so I thought it would be a shame to hide it away in my purse. So I turned it into a little minibag by adding the strap holder thingy and a chain. Yay! Oh and you can also find this on lookbook HERE. Oh and I've also started reading "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" - and I absolutely adore it, I could just go on and on and on about it but..  my tired little mind needs to get some sleep.. long day tomorrow. Well I hope you enjoy and be sure to tell me what you think! :)

( Used CanonEOS 400D and 50mm lens for the pictures)
Sweet Dreams - Emily Browning

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