The Grand Prize of the night went to Jang Hyuk, who beat out Choi Su-jong’s president (of the nation), Jeon Gwang-ryul’s president (of a baking company), Kim Gab-soo’s president (of a makgulli factory), Lee Mi-sook’s scheming wife, and Moon Geun-young’s damaged daughter characters.
Red-carpet-wise, KBS’s event was much more interesting than MBC’s lackluster event the night before, and perhaps a step up from the slightly better SBS awards, although there was a curious abundance of white. Everyone wearing it looked great, but I had to wonder whether, if you put ‘em all together, they’d look like models at a bridal convention.
Daesang: Jang Hyuk (Chuno)
Top Excellence, Actor: Kim Gab-soo (Cinderella’s Sister)
Top Excellence, Actress: Jeon In-hwa (Baker King Kim Tak-gu), Moon Geun-young
(Cinderella’s Sister)
Excellence Awards:
Miniseries, Actor: Yoon Shi-yoon (Baker King Kim Tak-gu)
Miniseries, Actress: Eugene (Baker King Kim Tak-gu)
Drama Series, Actor: Oh Ji-ho (Chuno)
Drama Series, Actress: Park Min-young (Sungkyunkwan Scandal)
Special Production Drama, Actor: Kim Su-ro (God of Study)
Special Production Drama, Actress: Han Eun-jung (Gumiho: Tale of the Fox’s Child)
Serial Drama, Actor: Lee Jong-hyuk (Marry Me)
Serial Drama, Actress: Kim Ji-young (Marry Me)
Supporting Actor: Sung Dong-il (Chuno)
Supporting Actress: Lee Bo-hee (Three Brothers)
Newcomer Award, Actor: Park Yoo-chun (Sungkyunkwan Scandal)
Newcomer Award, Actress: Oh Ji-eun (Three Brothers), Lee Shi-young
(Birth of the Rich)
Writer Award: Kang Eun-kyung (Baker King Kim Tak-gu)
Actor, Youth: Oh Jae-mu (Baker King Kim Tak-gu)
Actress, Youth: Kim Yoo-jung, Seo Shin-ae (Gumiho: Tale of the Fox’s Child)
One-Act Special, Actor: Sohn Hyun-joo (Texas Hit), Lee Seon-kyun
(Our Slightly Risque Relationship)
One-Act Special, Actress: Jung Yumi (The Great Gye Choon-bin)
Popularity Award: Song Joong-ki (Sungkyunkwan Scandal), Moon Geun-young
(Cinderella’s Sister)
Netizens’ Award: Park Yoo-chun (Sungkyunkwan Scandal), Park Min-young
(Sungkyunkwan Scandal), Jang Geun-seok (Mary Stayed Out All Night)
Best Couple: Jang Hyuk & Lee Da-hae (Chuno), Jang Geun-seok & Moon
Geun-young (Mary Stayed Out All Night), Yoon Shi-yoon & Lee Young-ah
(Baker King Kim Tak-gu), Song Joong-ki & Yoo Ah-in (Sungkyunkwan
Scandal), Park Yoo-chun & Park Min-young (Sungkyunkwan Scandal)
The hosts of the event were perennial cutie Song Joong-ki (Sungkyunkwan Scandal), veteran Choi Su-jong (President), and a very tall Lee Da-hae (Chuno) in between. (She IS wearing platforms.)
Aw, what a trouper. Lee Da-hae came to the ceremony even though her body is being ravaged by a flesh-eating disease. (Neck up, gorgeous. Neck down, well, still attractive, just also being attacked by monster algae.)
Jang Hyuk was the big winner of the night, and I’d say he deserved it for Chuno, which was the role of his career. And he finally cuts off his mane of glory! Not gonna lie, I’ll miss his hair, although he’s always been good-looking clean-cut as well. But… that bowtie? And the holes punched out of his lapel like something out of an office-supply catalogue meant to hold up your keys? It’s like he went straight from lion on the prowl to mama’s boy at the nerd prom. (Omg, how great would a nerd prom be? I mean that completely sincerely and without sarcasm. I think I’d have a lot more fun at one of those than I did at my own.)
Jang Hyuk came as part of the Slouchy Bad Posture Trio, otherwise known as himself, Oh Ji-eun (Three Brothers), and Sung Dong-il (Chuno). To play on the bride theme, Oh would be the fashionista bride who’d rather have something edgy and new than something traditional and expected. Even if that means slashing her sleeves and shredding her skirt.
Kim Gab-soo wins Top Excellence, yay! When you’re as well-known and prolific as Kim, sometimes people start taking you for granted, but it’s lovely to see him get some props. And of all the bazillion dramas he acted in this year, the one he wins for (Cinderella’s Sister) would also be my pick. So consistently warm, vulnerable, and sincere, even when the plot was caving down around him.
This little guy, Kim Dong-hyun, has also gotten around this year, and played Kim Gab-soo’s son in Cinderella’s Sister before going on to be little Nuri in I Am Legend and one of the young boys of Sungkyunkwan Scandal. He’ll next be seen in the new weekend drama Believe in Love. Seven years old and four major drama series to his name? Oy, I feel unaccomplished.
If she were at the aforementioned imaginary bridal convention, I’d have to say she’d be the classy no-frills bride — everything would be elegant, but simple.
This almost makes me sad to think the days of showing up to events dressed up like a crazy hobo, or a glam-rock groupie, or Severus Snape, or a cheery neighborhood ajumma are over. Well, it was fun (and absurd) while it lasted!
Micky Yoochun, or Park Yoo-chun, can bask in his success transitioning between idol star and actor (a rarity, since idols are most often dogged with criticism), as he pulls in a newcomer acting award for Sungkyunkwan Scandal. I actually think he looks better in the old-timey Joseon garb, though that could just be because I found his socially inept nerd character endearing. But I do think it’s the bangs. (Not a fan.)
It’s pictures like this — fresh! flirty! — that initially had me furrowing my brow when Park Min-young was announced as the cross-dressing lead of Sungkyunkwan Scandal. ‘Cause, ain’t no way a bunch of smartie scholars would look at her and think, “Yeah, that’s a boy.” And they’re the future leaders of the nation? But with some (okay, a ton of) suspension of disbelief, she managed to pull it off, and now returns to looking pretty and womanly. If I’d just spent months dressed as a man, I’d wear gowns like this every day.
I don’t know how Yoo Ah-in (Sungkyunkwan Scandal) can pull off looking fierce and hot wearing a shiny gold bowtie, but he does it. And then also pulls off adorable, winning for best couple with his best bud Song Joong-ki, although I think it’s a shame he didn’t win for New Actor. (I actually liked Yoochun and his character, but he wasn’t better than Yoo Ah-in in that drama, no way. I would say I was willing to fight for this stance, but I have a feeling nobody would fight against it.)
I love everything about her look, even that blunt blob which, face it, not everyone can pull off. (It’s the type of cut you ask for at the salon, and when you’re done, your face falls because now you look like a 12-year-old medieval pageboy whose voice hasn’t dropped yet, while somehow Lee Shi-young gets to be luminous and regal. The world isn’t fair.)
And now it’s Baker King Kim Tak-gu time! The drama was KBS’s biggest hit of the year and netted a number of awards, including one for Yoon Shi-yoon in the title role. He arrived with his co-star Lee Young-ah, who is just the cutest wee little pixie thing. Yes, many of those words are redundant, and yet, I feel they are all needed to convey her adorability. Even though that ring/cutout at the hip reminds me of (the inverse of) those T-shirt rings that were all the rage in elementary school. Don’t judge, ’cause I know you all had ‘em. In multiple colors. Decorated in glitter and puffy paint.
I’m ambivalent about Eugene‘s look. On one hand, she is always gorgeous, and her hair is effortlessly loose and she’s confident and cheery. The black gown, though? Eh. The cut of the neckline is something you’d find on your standard business-casual tank top, although it does have an interesting sheer back. Don’t love, but don’t hate.
Is Joo-won still in character as Tak-gu’s bitter rival, with that scowl on his face? The look seems off to me — jacket too long? pants too skinny? — but on the other hand it makes him look like a cute little boy. Out of a Dickens novel. Who’d have to be the hero’s rich enemy, since Dickens didn’t have any wealthy young protagonists, making him… just like Ma-jun to the David Copperfieldian (or Pip-ish?) Tak-gu. Wait, is this all some massive meta statement?
Baker King parents Jeon Gwang-ryul and Jeon In-hwa, the latter of whom schemed and manipulated her way into an acting award.
Twelve-year-old Oh Jae-mu played young Tak-gu, and for that he won a youth acting award. I will overlook the clunky brown shoes with the black suit since he’s a young kid who has never acted before Tak-gu, meaning I doubt he has a wardrobe full of shiny gala wear. Give him time, though.
My first thought upon seeing Jeon Mi-sun (Baker King Kim Tak-gu) was, “Oh, so that’s the name of the lady I see in all those dramas.” My second thought was, “…dressed up like a bar madam in the old, old West whose saloon really doubles for a brothel. A clean, high-class, fancy brothel.” At some point, are we not too old to wear bowties on our biceps? Wait, were we ever young enough for that?
Another show that got its share of props was Gumiho: Tale of the Fox’s Child, whose three leading ladies all got acting nods. Here is Han Eun-jung, looking statuesque and elegant even with a gigantic bow sprouting from her butt.
Both Han’s young co-stars were awarded for their performances: Kim Yoo-jung in (yet more) white, and Seo Shin-ae going traditional in a hanbok. I love that her shoes are peeking out from the dress, and also that they are traditional-style yet high-heeled.
Lee Min-ho! He was dressed more formally last night at the MBC awards, where he was accepting an award for Personal Taste. But here, he’s cuttin’ loose and I love that he came wearing a T-shirt under the jacket… although I do dearly wish he weren’t so enamored of his skinny pants.
Lee Jong-hyuk and Kim Ji-young both took home awards for Enjoy Life. My goodness, her capelet is enormous.
I read somewhere recently that black pantyhose is considered passé. How can black hose be passé? That said, I sadly think Lee In-hye (Comrades) looks a little passé. But beautiful and happy and cute! Just… a little overdone with the cuff and black nails and multiple rings and bracelets and platform leather stripper heels. I think that dress could’ve been awesome without the belt, jewelry, or hose, though.
Oh Ji-ho got an acting award for Chuno? Are pigs flying? And there’s something very… weird… going on with his pants that makes me a bit uncomfortable. (I’M NOT A PERV, THE LINES, THEY POINT THERE.)
Lee Seon-kyun, who won an award for his one-act Drama Special episode Our Slightly Risque Relationship, is looking better (hair-wise) than he did the night before, but my lord is that an ill-fitting suit. I have seen my share of ill-fitting suits, but this one may just take the cake. Did he run out of fresh ensembles after yesterday’s awards and have to borrow Dad’s? And then lose twenty pounds overnight? Sag, sag, sag.
Kim So-eun (Fine Windy Day) would be the casual-Hawaiian-getaway bride, to continue our convention scenario. She’s already got the wavy loose hair and the glowing tan; now all she needs is some hot groom arm candy.
Lee Pil-mo! *Drools over the hair.* Wait, I didn’t mean drooling ON the hair, I meant because of it… Uh, there’s no fixing this one, is there? Here the Kim Su-ro actor poses with his Sol Pharmacy brother Sohn Hyun-joo, the latter of whom won for his Drama Special episode.
Park Eun-bin (Queen Seon-deok). Super-cute look on a cute girl, but I think the torso’s too short. I get the floofy bubble-skirt effect it’s going for, but instead it looks more like bubble-hips-and-butt.
Is it me, or is this dress proportioned all funny? Kim Sung-eun (Enjoy Life) looks lovely, but that dress either needs to be way longer, or way shorter. It’s like the designer couldn’t decide whether to make it into a mermaid gown or a ball gown, and in the end didn’t do any deciding after all. Maybe s/he got frustrated when pageant Barbie was told by her newly bankrupt oil-tycoon Daddy that he couldn’t afford to buy her a new pageant gown AND a bridal dress and forced her to choose, and after a brutal round of Sophie’s Choice, she poutingly made one work double-duty.
Kim Ha-eun (Chuno, Runaway Plan B): Aw, is this what all the young coven ladies are wearing to the witch debutante ball now? How sweet.
And that’s it! Now we bid adieu to the old year. Onward, new year!
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