Friday, May 27, 2011



Quite coincidentally, after my horror look, there are many reasons why I decided to do a “Rebirth” look. Not only for the fact that I’ve been obsessed with wearing white, but I’ve wanted to do a pure white look for a while, and I thought it was the perfect time. Rebirth can represent a lot of things; nature springs; flowers bloom, and in my life there are a lot of reasons for this celebration. For instance, I just finished my first year of college, and for me, that’s something to be very proud of. It was more difficult that I thought, as many people in my program dropped out like flies! I was also very temped to give up. 7 exams in 4 days was a lot to handle, and trying to juggle a social life on top of that wasn’t an option.
I want to apologize for not replying to any comments and messages that I might have missed previously. I feel really bad, and I hope that you guys understand now, that I’ve been going some difficult times. My “rebirth” symbolizes my realization to mistakes, and determination to fix any problems. As corny as that may sound, I wont look back at my mistakes, but rather use my time to work harder and be the best that I can be. I hope that I can build back my trust and positive reputation with everyone because I sincerely apologize if anybody thought I was ignoring him or her, because I didn’t intentionally try to hurt anybody’s feeling. I’m just trying to do my best and make everybody happy.
Secondly, my “Rebirth” also symbolizes moving away from Toronto and, going back home to Guelph where I am reunited with friends and family. Right away I got together with my good friend Gillian Elsegood. A teen mom with the drive and ambition to be a model, working hard for everything that she has. She is such an inspiration to me and I hope to do many more shoots with her. We decided to go to my favorite place; the very highest point of Guelph where you can see the entire city. This place always brings me so many memories, as I feel like a spirit watching down at everyone. Remembering all that I’ve done here in Guelph, and the people I’ve met. I hope you realize these photos have a special meaning behind them.
I’m also very excited to share this jacket I just got from Lightweight with a perfect fit, it’s really my ideal jacket for spring. I especially love it's detail which gives it that defined edge. If you would like to shop this jacket click here where you can buy it for $14.59! May I mention that there are many more items available with great prices so check it out!
If you are one of the few readers who got through this and gigantic essay, I especially want to thank you for attention. It really means a lot to me. I really appreciate all the love and support from you guys. I hope to make it up to you by doing a few free giveaways this summer along with a few videos and many many more photoshoots to come :D, so please stay tuned!! I would love to hear back from you all. Much love!

Yours truly, Bobby Raffin

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